Hashing function
md5 128 bit -> 32 nibble(hexdecimal) = 16 bytes (2 nibble = 1 byte)
sha1 160 bit -> 40 nibble(hexdecimal) = 20 bytes (2 nibble = 1 byte)
E.g slice(0, 6) as hash key -> 6 bytes (regular single-byte character)
How to make sure they are fairly distrubuted to storage -> using consistent hashing
Store file
- Might have a isolated service
- DB store metadata, object storage(like s3) store the real file
- Need key - value mapping(metadata -> file)
- If large files, can chunk
- Use md5 to reduce duplicated copy, use consistent hashing to evenly store files
Reliability and Redundancy
- Backup
- Replica
- Multi instance
KGS (Key generate service)
If system is big then use it(pregenerate)
prevent single point of failure
- HA
- having multiple KGS(like machine 1 for odd key, machine 2 for even key)
Sometimes we can make timestamp + KGS as primary key, it will help for search
Ranking feed
Instant calculate
Get all data from source(e.g 10 posts from all followees), then choose top X from ranking mechasism.
Put the ranking data in temp table or redis
pull -> user get from temp table or redis might not be newest data
push -> long pulling to get lastest data after ranking job is done