- Chunk render
- Different priority tasks
JSX -> React Element -> Fiber Node
compare the vdom diff, then only render the diff part into the real dom.
- if two dom are diffrent, render all the children
- recursive based on children
from tree to another tree. time complexity: O(n)
Render Phase
- Retrieves the children from the component
- Updates state and props
- Calls lifecycle hooks
- Compares them to the previous children and figures out the DOM updates that need to be performed
High priority task -> requestAnimationFrame, low prioity task -> requestIdleCallback
Old Reconciler
- Work synchronous
- Work recursively, like call stack
- Had to work until stack is empty
Fiber Reconciler
- From stack -> linked list
- dfs, sequence child, self, sibling
- workLoop (while loop, not call stack)
Fiber node attr, (children, sibling)
commit phase
Update the the real dom with side effect list, can't not be interrupted.