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Binary Lifting

Binary lifting use space to optimize time

When you're tring to find LCA in the tree or path, normal case is to scan one by one. Binary lifting can jump search with 2 factor

Memorise the 2^k ancestor in the space. See 1483 as the basic example.

Let's say we have a N nodes tree

# use + 1 for defense
M = ceil(log2(N)) + 1

levels = [[0] * M for _ in range (N)]

This for loop is good for unorder vertex ( 3 -> 2 -> 5) and can be used in every scenario
For this loop
1. one loop to set level 0 parent
2. for level, the for vertex (not for vertex then for level)
for i in range(N):
levels[i][0] = parent # you should init its parent first (last level)

for j in range(1, M):
for i in range(N):
# -1 means no ancestor
if levels[i][j-1] != -1:
# magic
levels[i][j] = levels[levels[i][j-1]][j-1]

# find kth ancestor

while k > 0 and node != -1:
i = int(log2(k))
node = levels[node][i]
k -= (1 << i)

return node

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