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Backtrack and DP


Top-Down (Memoization)

The top-down consists in solving the problem in a "natural manner" and check if you have calculated the solution to the subproblem before.


Bottom-up (Tabulation) DP

The bottom-up approach (to dynamic programming) consists in first looking at the "smaller" subproblems, and then solve the larger subproblems using the solution to the smaller problems.

Backtrack sometimes can prune more possibilites. But might be stack overflow.

DP sometimes can reduce space complexity like O(n^2) -> O(n). But it's harder to think.

# backtrack
if condition:
res = backtrack(x + i) # only run with possible solution

# dp

for i in range(n):
# need to run for every i even you already know some of i can't be correct.
if condition:
dp[i] = dp[i - x]


Bitmask DP (狀態壓縮)

finalState = 0
for i in range(len(condition)):
finalState += 1 << i

# equal

finalState = (1 << len(condition)) - 1


  • interval questions
    • the maximum number of non-overlaping intervals -> sorted by ending point
    • the minimum number of interval for the whole ranges -> sorted by start point

Game theory

minimax (877, 486)

def getBestScorePlayer1(left, right):

scorePickLeft = nums[left] - getBestScorePlayer2(left+1, right)
scorePickRight = nums[right] - getBestScorePlayer2(left, right-1)

return max(scorePickLeft, scorePickRight)

def getBestScorePlayer1(left, right):

scorePickLeft = nums[left] - getBestScorePlayer1(left+1, right)
scorePickRight = nums[right] - getBestScorePlayer1(left, right-1)
return max(scorePickLeft, scorePickRight)

# if two player has same rules
def getBestScorePlayer(left, right):

scorePickLeft = nums[left] - getBestScorePlayer(left+1, right)
scorePickRight = nums[right] - getBestScorePlayer(left, right-1)
return max(scorePickLeft, scorePickRight)