688. Knight Probability in Chessboard
Method 1 Backtrack
class Solution:
def knightProbability(self, n: int, k: int, row: int, column: int) -> float:
def dfs(nn, r, col):
if not (0 <= r < n and 0 <= col < n):
return 0
if nn == k:
return 1
result = 0
for [x, y] in [(-2, 1),(-1, 2),(1, 2),(2, 1),(2, -1),(1, -2),(-1, -2),(-2, -1)]:
# r += x
# col += y
# result += dfs(nn+1, r, col)
# r -= x
# col -= y
result += dfs(nn+1, r + x, col + y)
return result
result = dfs(0, row, column)
return result / 8 ** k
Method 2 BFS
class Solution:
def knightProbability(self, n: int, k: int, row: int, column: int) -> float:
dq = deque([[(row, column), 1.0]])
r0 = 0
while k != 0:
lens = len(dq)
M = defaultdict(float)
for _ in range(lens):
(i, j), w = dq.popleft()
ww = w / 8
for x, y in [(1,2),(2,1),(2,-1),(1,-2),(-1,-2),(-2,-1),(-2,1),(-1,2)]:
if not (0 <= i + x < n and 0 <= j + y < n):
M[(i+x, j+y)] += ww
for key, value in M.items():
dq.append([key, value])
k -= 1
for _, ww in dq:
r0 += ww
return r0