Topological Sort
Topological Sort is used in directed acyclic graph(DAG) to find reasonable sequence.
- Character sequence
- Task sequence
- Declare a map and list for n nodes.
- Record each component and connect them and store in a map.
- Add one indeg or outdeg.(Depends on the position)
- Create a queue , poll out all idx which its indeg or outdeg == 0
- Iterate each node, for its connected node, indeg or outdeg -= 1, if it becomes 0 then append into queue.
Common pattern
M = defaultdict(list)
indeg = [0] * n
for x, y in condition:
indeg[y] += 1
# outdeg[x] += 1
dq = deque([ i for i in range(n) if indeg[i] == 0])
while dq:
# benefit if we want to record current level...
lens = len(dq)
for _ in range(lens):
idx = dq.popleft()
for vv in M[idx]:
# cause node idx has been consumed
indeg[vv] -= 1
if indeg[vv] == 0:
# ....