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2801. Count Stepping Numbers in Range


Digit dp TBD

MOD = int(1e9) + 7
class Solution:
def _count(self, n: str) -> int: # count number of stepping numbers in range [0...n]
def dp(i, tight, lastDigit, leadingZero):
if i == len(n): return 1 # Found a good number
maxDigit = int(n[i]) if tight else 9
ans = 0
for d in range(maxDigit + 1):
nxtTight = tight and d == maxDigit
nxtLeadingZero = leadingZero and d == 0
if nxtLeadingZero: # for leading zero, we shouldn't treat lastDigit=d
ans = (ans + dp(i + 1, nxtTight, lastDigit, nxtLeadingZero)) % MOD
elif lastDigit == -1 or abs(lastDigit - d) == 1:
ans = (ans + dp(i + 1, nxtTight, d, nxtLeadingZero)) % MOD
return ans

return dp(0, True, -1, True) + 1

def _minusOne(self, s): # s is a string representing a positive integer
num = int(s) - 1
return str(num)

def countSteppingNumbers(self, low: str, high: str) -> int:
if low == "0":
return self._count(high)
return (self._count(high) - self._count(self._minusOne(low)) + MOD) % MOD