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2780. Minimum Index of a Valid Split


  1. Because we split array into 2 sub array, the findCount must >= 2/n (arr element count)
  2. Just compare current left subarray, and right subarray if they meet requirement.
class Solution:
def minimumIndex(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:

n = len(nums)

findCount = ceil(float(n) / 2)

c = Counter(nums)

for key, value in list(c.items()):
if value < findCount:

M = defaultdict(int)

for i in range(n):
if nums[i] not in c:

M[nums[i]] += 1
c[nums[i]] -= 1

if 2 * M[nums[i]] > i + 1 and 2 * c[nums[i]] > n - i - 1:
return i

return -1